
Disney Lyrics

I can't, my father lied of me
Recall, the day that I smashed my head
Running home to fast from school
And that card, didn't I know
That everything flows, everyone same as you
And when you made it past the ?
The ?
I'll wait further down
It's strange, kids feel the power
When my grandma feels Satan
I feel every door
And now
Just movings down, pops ?
Mom laid out the bread like a smiley face

And when you climb the latter home right ?
And with candy flowers
I wait at the gates
To my ?
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The Scarlet Beast O'Seven Heads (2012)
Prologue Let Me Check My Mayan Calendar The Last Days of Rome The Kids Today Roland, I Feel You Disney A Gallows Oh My! Good Heart Just Like Henry Darger Dear Wendy Courage, Tiger! The World's Worst Shrink You Cannot Cast Out the Demons (You Might As Well Dance) Lesson 1: You Are Welcome! Lesson 2: Soon! Lesson 3: Take Shelter! Lesson 4: Absolution and Eternal Refuge Lesson 5: Break the Cycle! Breaks Your Chains!