
Wait Lyrics

Wait, wait for the dawn my dear
Wait till the sun gets here
And you will wait too long he will be gone
Wait, wait till the sun shines through
Wait till the sky is blue
And you will wait too long he will be gone, he will be gone
Oh, he will be gone
Oh, he will be gone
Wait, wait till the signs are right
Wait till the perfect time
And you will wait too long he will be gone, he will be gone

Oh, he will be gone
Oh, he will be gone

Wait till you don't doubt no more
Wait till you know for sure
And you will wait too long he will be gone
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So You've Ruined Your Life (2003)
Twenty-One Jesus Wore Leather Kiss the Girl I Want You One With the Numbers Go to the Mattress Girl Sleeping Break Your Heart VKFD (The Fire Truck Song) Lonely World War She Goes Round What I Love About You Wait