
Outlaw Song Lyrics

well I don't wanna wake up
do you seem to understand that there's no f****** way
I don't want to be a part of it
I'd rather be a part of you
?????I'll never be misled???
???? the other side???
fighting in an endless war
like an outlaw
there's no way I can
??clean and sober
???come on law and order
?????I'll never be misled???
???? the other side???
fighting in an endless war
like an outlaw
?????I'll never be misled???
???? the other side???
fighting in an endless war
like an outlaw
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III - Superstar Destroyer (2003)
The Hateball Is Rolling Destroyer Of Worlds Mord II Final Descent Hatestomp Stairsweeper Air - A Prelude To Hell Superstar Destoyer Danger Danger Superstar Confession In Misery Embraced Like Roadkill Warchild Outlaw Song
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