
No Contest Lyrics

No one should have to ask for their life/ let alone fight for it/ we forget how dire the situation's become/ because we are not the ones effected first hand/ we're too comfortable! But the animals are defenseless so we must treat this war as our own/ I too slip into the comfort of my own life everyday but the guilt cannot be absolved/ no matter how much I wish it didn't have to be this way/ No revolution will occur unless we act up/ The animals need an army to fight for them/ See how useless your pacifist views are now?/ as long as I sit here, animals will be killed/ veganism is crucial but we can't wait for the world to change their diets-(that's futile)/ (my diet) prevents some slaughter but the fact still remains that billions are dying everyday/ the only way to stop this is to physically set them free/ saying you won't support this is saying you don't care/(ExC part) I refuse to turn my back, I refuse to shut my eyes/ steadfast against the deluge of evil of man's devise/ the quest of their freedom won't cease until it's won/ reconcile your sins or you blood will have to run/ to say we can legally win this war is insanity/ if it were another human holocaust we'd be preparing for battle undoubtfully/ you cant deny the suffering that is their every day lives/ there are no rules in this fight/ there's no action to harsh when the result is their liberation/ "Fear" is crushed by the greatest sense of urgency and necessity/ rationality? The case is inarguable!/ persist or perish/ join the struggle or watch their lives crumble/ your faith in peace will lead off to cease/ if we could have the masses on our side/ then we wouldn't have to fight but we are the minority!/ there is no contest-your tactic is bound to lead us into defeat
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