
M&M Lyrics

I must tell you these words, these blurbs
I must tell you these words, these blurbs
You will want to step back, you want to, and you will not know what to say
"Hallo, there! Come out, you buck!
Tailor, Tailor, muck! muck! muck!"
Buck could bear all sorts of jeering,
Jibes and jokes in silence hearing;
But this insult roused such anger,
Nature couldnt stand it longer.
Wild with fury, up he started,
With his yard-stick out he darted

For once more that frightful jeer, "Muck! Muck! muck!" rang loud and clear
On the bridge one leap he makes. Crash! beneath his weight

Look now at the empty head
He is for mischief always ready
Teasing creatures, climbing fences
Stealing apples, pears and quinces
Fizz! Whiz! Boom! The pipe is burst
Almost shattered into dust
Coffee-pot and water-jug,
Snuff-box, ink-stand, tumbler, mug
Table, stove, and easy chair,
all are flying through the air
In a lightning powder flash
with a most tremendous crash

When the smoke cloud lifts and clears Lämpel on his back appears
God be praised! Still breathing there, only somewhat worse for wear
You will want to step back, you want to, and you will not know what to say
Through the place in short there went
One wide murmur of content
"God be praised the town is free,
From this great rascality"
Through the place in short there went
One wide murmur of content
"God be praised the town is free,
From this great rascality"

In the village not a word, not a sign, of grief, was heard
Widow Tibbets speaking low, said "I thought it would be so!"
I must tell you these words, these blurbs
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Little Lucy (2006)
Topenga Sunday Awful Lucy Yesterday's Coke M&M Bode Hellfish Alpengluhn Zirkus