
Winds of October Lyrics

There's a rusty old boat
It''s a wonder she's still on the water
Moanin and groanin
Complaining that nobody wants her
She is salvage and scrap
The captain he just up and sold her
She just shivers her timbers
In the teeth of the winds of october
And the seasons they come and they go
With a roar and a whisper
With the lamb and the lion
Just like a brother and sister
In a hurricane's eye
There's a wink of an Indian summer
And a rusty old boat
Sailin the winds of october
From the Mexican Baja
Up to the coast of Alaska
She would skip on the crest of a wave
Like a high stepping dancer
She could see every journey and port
Looking over her shoulder
And an empty horizon
In the face of the winds of october
Freedom is something we treasure
Time is something we measure
You have run on the waters of freedom
Over and over over and over
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Winds of October (1991)
Heartbroken Hero Drifting Cowboy Fire and Lace Remember When Two Gun Kid Moment of Glory Winds of October Island in the Storm The Way I Am Never Say Goodbye The Last Hurrah
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