
Never So Lonely Lyrics

Tommy swung a brush hook for the county all last year
Now he sits in some dark pool hall,
Pulling on a long necked beer
On one hand's tattooed the word "love"
On the other hand there is "hate"
He lights a smoke and rubs the scars on his knuckles
His wife is living here on borrowed time
She needs a place to call her own
Tommy's out; she can't stay here
Where she once called home
The marks of his "too-perfect" love are a shadow on her face
She shakes and waits beside him in the darkness

Never felt so lonely as when lying in his bed
The fear that lay between them
The brutal words he'd said
No more of flinching from his hands
No more of living with this fear
She's bought her ticket, she's made her plans
He's not worth another tear
She says she knows it's wrong
But while he's gone she sometimes misses him
The feeling comes too often
Stays too long, like phantom pain from a missing limb
She knows she's safer on her own
Thank God there were no kids
But had there been she till would
Find a way to leave him
Morning can't come too soon for her
She's up before the dawn
Tiptoes past him, locks his door
Waits out on the lawn
She looks back at the silent house
As the windows start to glow
And with her finger writes "Good-bye"
upon his windshield
Report lyrics
Night Drive (1996)