
Runes Lyrics

Runes, written in majestic blood
Runes, were before the blood flood
Runes, of Northmen's heroic deeds
Runes, Wotan did give to cosmic seeds
Runes, of magic and olden lore
Runes, of the Gods and things before
Runes, all things did make
Runes, Ginnungagap did shake

Keys to unlock hidden gates
Grasp their wisdom before it's too late
Runes, what secrets do they hold
Runes, cast life and Lífthrasir's noble mold
Runes, of sacred fire and searing ice
Runes, he found, nine days and night, an eye the price

Keys to unlock hidden gates
A realm of wonders and gnosis awaits
Keys to unlock hidden gates
Grasp their wisdom before it's too late
Runes, the universe doest open wide
Grasp their secrets holy, then all knowledge cannot hide
Tho Ragnarök comes, ask of the runes and you shall abide
Learn them well and keep them by your side
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