
I'm a Vampire Lyrics

I never age and I'll never die
Unlike all the stars in the sky
I'll be young forever
But why?
Cause I'm a vampire
Dear, for whose victims I shed no tear
I am neither sweet nor sincere
And I'd rather drink blood than beer
Cause I'm a vampire
The sun will never touch me
I abhor its filthy light
I am the mistress of the d***ed
And of the children of the night
I have all the love I need
It is your blood I crave
I am the b**** goddess from beyond your grave
I can turn into a bat
I can cast the evil eye
I have ever so much money
I'm gorgeous
And I can fly
I survied the Inquisition
Been a harlot
Been a queen
Survived for seven hundred years
And still look seventeen
Hon, one from whom you really should run
I despise the light of the sun
And I kill your kind just for fun
Cause I'm a vampire
d***, I am what?
I am what I am
And I am impossibly glam
And I am happy as a clam
Cause I'm a vampire
Blanche, with a blood flow no one can stanch
A blood flow
A blood avalance
I'm a tidal wave of tarantulas
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Eternal Youth (2002)
Losing Your Affection The Slow Fade Doris Daytheearthstoodstill A Thousand Lovers in a Day Bathysphere I'm a Vampire From Some Dying Star Viennese Lift Smash the Beauty Machine The Control Room Find an Open Window Kiss Me Only With Your Eyes Jakarta No River Cartoon The World Is a Disco Ball