
Irish Girl Lyrics

As I went out one morning
Down by the river side,
And gazing all around me,
An Irish girl I spied.
A tear ran down her rosy cheeks,
As she began to cry,
"My love's gone tae America
And quite forsaken I."
"I went to Church on Sunday,
And me love he passed me by.
I knew his mind was changing
By the roving of his eye.
I knew his mind was altered to
Some girl of high degree,
Saying 'w****, dearest w****,
Your love hath wounded me.'"
"Last night I lay on my bed
So sick and bad was I.
I called for a napkin
Around me head to tie.
Was he as bad in love with me
Perhaps I'd mend again;
O, love it is a killing thing,
Did you ever feel the pain?"
"I wish I was a b***erfly,
I'd fly to my love's breast.
I wish I was a linnet,
I would sing my love to rest.
I wish I was a nightingale,
I'd sit and I'd sing so clear.
I'd sing a song for you fause love
For once I loved you dear."
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