
Talk to the Animals Lyrics

If I could talk to the animals, just imagine it,
Chattin' with a chimp in chimpanzee,
Imagine talking to a tiger, chatting with a cheetah,
What a neat achievement it would be!
If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages,
Maybe *Take* an animal degree,
I'd study elephant and eagle, buffalo and beagle,
Alligator, guinea pig, and flea!

I would converse in polar bear and python,
And I would curse in fluent kangaroo,
If people ask me "can you speak rhinoceros?"
I'd say "of courserous! Can't you?"

If I conferred with our furry friends, man to animal,
Think of the amazing repartee
If I could walk with the animals, talk with the animals,
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals,
And they could talk to me!

If I consulted with quadrupeds
Think what fun we'd have asking over crocodiles for tea!
Or maybe lunch with two or three lions, walruses and sea lions
What a lovely place the world would be!
If I spoke slang to orangutans
The advantages *NO WORD HERE* any fool on earth could plainly see!
Discussing Eastern art and dramas
With intellectual llamas
That's a big step forward you'll agree!

I'd learn to speak in antelope and turtle
And my Pekinese would be extremely good
If I were asked to sing in hippopotamus
I'd say "whynotamous?" and I would! *And loud*

If I could parlay with pachyderms
It's a fairy tale worthy of Hans Anderson *At* Grimm
A man who walks with the animals and talks with the animals
Grunts and squeaks and squawks with the animals
and they could talk to *me*!
*no words here*

I'd study every *living* creature's language
So I could speak to all of them on site
If friends said "can he talk in crab or *no word here* pelican?"
You'd say "*like hell he can" and you *might* be right!

And if you just stop *to* think of it
*there's* no doubt of it
*I would* win a place in history
If I could walk with the animals
Talk with the animals
Grunt *no word here* squeak and squawk with the animals
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to me!
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