
The Cocoon Lyrics

Press play and record
To start the tape
Every single word is gonna leave this room
And be recorded somewhere else
To be filed under your personal code
For the sake of safety
We'll give up our privacy
For the sake of safety
We'll queue in conformity

So come on
We will be home movie stars
So come on
Everything is under control, but still I wonder:
Who watches the watchmen?

Every single step
can be rewound at will
Every single day
Watched over and over
Press play and record
To start the tape
To shoot a close up of your life
Details stored in high definition
on several hard disk drives

avoiding all the camera lenses, searching for blind spots
with our hoods pulled up, as if we're rushing to court.
The director is on the set - and the cameras (are) running
There is only one take - so don't mess it up
You're on CCTV
Public surveillance vs. privacy
Be an actor or act suspiciously
You're on CCTV
This is not a g****** dress rehearsal
You're whole life is an opening night
You're on CCTV
The director is on the set - and the cameras (are) running
Shot after shot - so don't mess them up
The director is on the set - and the cameras (are) running
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