Fåfänga, glömda råd
Ingen nåd, inga tysta ord
Bortsprungna, vilsna
De löpte i en cirkel
Av oändliga onda dåd
Nu eldar spricka ur jordens vrår
Ingen betraktar, inga vittnen nalkas
Var en gång liv, nu springornas
Och skuggornas kung vandra
Där ingen fot, inga issar, inga hovar löpa
Ingen vinge svepa, ingen stjärt nu sprattla
En tystnad så tom utan tid
Där springornas och skuggornas mörka konung,
Fäller i sin ondskas svartaste stund en tår
Hans mörker utan dess ljus
som en tår svunnen bland de sista lövens täckta jord...
[Time without time]
Conceit, forgotten advices
No mercy, no quiet words
Ran away, fled
They set in a circle
Of endless evil deeds
Now flames burst from the corners of the earth
No one seeing, no witnesses approaching
Once upon a time there was a life
Now the king
Of shades and shadows wanders
Conceit, forgotten advices
No mercy, no quiet words
Ran away, fled
They set in a circle
Of endless evil deeds
Now flames burst from the corners of the earth
No one seeing, no witnesses approaching
Once upon a time there was a life
Now the king
Of shades and shadows wanders
There no feet, no paws, no hoofs run
No wings sweep, no tails flounder
A silence so empty without time
There the dark king of shades and shadows
Falls in his evilness's blackest moment, a tear...
His darkness without its light,
Vanishes like a tear into the earth covered by the last leaves...
Ingen nåd, inga tysta ord
Bortsprungna, vilsna
De löpte i en cirkel
Av oändliga onda dåd
Nu eldar spricka ur jordens vrår
Ingen betraktar, inga vittnen nalkas
Var en gång liv, nu springornas
Och skuggornas kung vandra
Där ingen fot, inga issar, inga hovar löpa
Ingen vinge svepa, ingen stjärt nu sprattla
En tystnad så tom utan tid
Där springornas och skuggornas mörka konung,
Fäller i sin ondskas svartaste stund en tår
Hans mörker utan dess ljus
som en tår svunnen bland de sista lövens täckta jord...
[Time without time]
Conceit, forgotten advices
No mercy, no quiet words
Ran away, fled
They set in a circle
Of endless evil deeds
Now flames burst from the corners of the earth
No one seeing, no witnesses approaching
Once upon a time there was a life
Now the king
Of shades and shadows wanders
Conceit, forgotten advices
No mercy, no quiet words
Ran away, fled
They set in a circle
Of endless evil deeds
Now flames burst from the corners of the earth
No one seeing, no witnesses approaching
Once upon a time there was a life
Now the king
Of shades and shadows wanders
There no feet, no paws, no hoofs run
No wings sweep, no tails flounder
A silence so empty without time
There the dark king of shades and shadows
Falls in his evilness's blackest moment, a tear...
His darkness without its light,
Vanishes like a tear into the earth covered by the last leaves...