
Kops Lyrics

(drivers liscence and registration please
(what's the problem sir?)
(step out of your car and show me your CD collection)
(um, i wasn't speeding)
(i don't care if you were speeding)
(uh, maybe I, I, right now, see ya sucker!)
(hit it, he just hit a curb)

(get him!)
(freeze a******!)

(eat this c*********!)

(there he is!)
(yeah he's going down there)
(uh, yeah i'll take it from up here)
(over here)
(oh come on)
(go go go go, take him out, yeah!)
(there he is, there he goes again!)
(eat more purple s*** (?))
Report lyrics
Volume 1 (1998)
Fear of Pop Kops Slow Jam '98 Blink In Love Interlude Avery M. Powers Memorial Beltway I Paid My Money Rubber Sled Root to This Still in Love