
The Way (live) Lyrics

Something you should know about The Way Lyrics

t**le: Fastball - The Way lyrics
Artist: Fastball Lyrics

Visitors: 300 visitors have hited The Way Lyrics since May 27, 2008.

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Complimentary "The Way" Ringtone

They made up their minds, and they started packing,
They left before the sun came up that day,
An exit to eternal summer slacking,
But where were they going without ever knowing the way??
They drank up the wine, and they started talking,
They now had more important things to say,
And when the car broke down the started walking,
But where were they going without ever knowing the way??

Anyone can see the road that thay walk on is paved in gold,
And its always summer, they'll never get cold,
They'll never get hungry, they'll never get old and grey,
You can see their shadows wondering off somewhere,
They won't make it home but they really don't care,
They wanted the highway, they're happier there today.
The children woke up, and they couldn't find 'em,
They left before the sun came up that day,
They just drove off and left it all behind 'em,
But where were they going without ever knowing the way??

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