
Letter to the Council Lyrics

Thank you for joining us in welcoming you to the Council.
It is my wholehearted pleasure to inform each and every one of you that you have departed from your physical human form and are now dead.
You are remarkable souls.
You are in a place that I like to call "The Land of Deceased."
As many of you may have already realized, the memories of your previous lives have already begun to fade.
Although you may not remember or understand, I can a**ure you that each and every one of you are interconnected.
Connected in your previous lives and now again in death.
You may believe that your death means the end of you, but this is false.
You've all been given a very special opportunity that most souls do not have the good fortune or privilege of receiving.
The opportunity of taking in closure and understanding. The opportunity to obtain some kind of insight into your previous life.
I'm not here to judge you, I'm not here to trick you.
My goal here is to guide you as you search through your past, to help you connect the dots and reveal the truth.
To show you how our souls survive.
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