
Ask Her if She Keeps Her Kings in the Back Row Lyrics

i'm sure it hurts like
all those times we spend
and when the tides turn
i won't really know
it's too late to find out
where we went wrong
break trusts in secret
and lie in crowds
there's no use in saving forgotton prose
so when words burn
i won't let them go
it's too late to find out
where we went wrong,
its ours no longer
i won't let it go

it's too late for chasing
the life i left
so when we burn
i won't let it go
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We'll Dodge It on the Way Back (2002)
Telegrams I Wrote You I Would Chinese New Year This Is for Sure the Hardest Thing to Say Don't Ever Tell Anybody Anything Ask Her If She Keeps Her Kings in the Back Row Revolving Doors Telegrams (live acoustic) I Wrote You I Would (live acoustic) Henry (live acoustic) Just One Day of Looking Terrific (live acoustic) Untitled (live acoustic) Sheets (demo) Henry (demo) Next to Nothing (demo)