
The Sea Hawk Lyrics

Pull on the oars
Freedom is yours
Strike for the shores of Dover
Over the sea
Hearty & free
Troubles will soon be over

Sing as you row
Here we go
For we know that we row
For home, sweet home...
Pull on the oars
Freedom is yours
Strike for the shores of Dover

Over the sea
Hearty and free,
Troubles will soon be over
Here we go
For we know that we row for Home!
Sailing for Home!
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The Sea Hawk / Symphony in F-Sharp (1998)
The Sea Hawk Symphony in F-sharp: I. Moderato ma energico Symphony in F-sharp: II. Scherzo: Allegro molto Symphony in F-sharp: III. Adagio: Lento Symphony in F-sharp: IV. Finale: Allegro
Top Erich Wolfgang Korngold Lyrics