
Lady From Bendigo Lyrics

The days of m y Iife I've been quite seIf-contained
I don't feeI m uch joy, but then I don't feeI m uch pain
There's nothing as safe as a coId seIfish heart
But now m y defences have been bIasted apart
By the sweet core of Iife that does gIow
In m y Iady from Bendigo
Speak to m e, taIk to m e, teII m e you Iove m e
Give m y Iife purpose, show m e the way
Reach for m e, touch m e, give m e your body
And as for tom orrow, we'II Iive it today
W iII you com e when I caII, wiII you go?
M y Iady from Bendigo
This is your Iove song and I wrote it for you
The words m ay sound sim pIe but you know they are true
W hen I wrote them I m eant them and I m ean them stiII
You know that I Iove you and I aIways wiII
And if you Iove m e Iet it show
M y Iady from Bendigo

And if ever m y Iovin' shouId cause you som e pain
Just think of this Iove song and Iisten again
Rem em ber the passion, think of the m an
Rem em ber the heart that you heId in your hand
Your eyes say what I need to know
M y Iady from Bendigo.
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