A set of four jigs. The first and third are
originals, currently not named, but having a
spooky feel...They are paired with two very
happy jigs; the second is the ever-popular
"Harvest Home" and the fourth is
"Going to the well for a drink of water."
This set has been variously called the
"Bipolar set" or "Bad Pizza." Band is not
responsible for any sudden mood swings
resulting from listening.
originals, currently not named, but having a
spooky feel...They are paired with two very
happy jigs; the second is the ever-popular
"Harvest Home" and the fourth is
"Going to the well for a drink of water."
This set has been variously called the
"Bipolar set" or "Bad Pizza." Band is not
responsible for any sudden mood swings
resulting from listening.