Tell me I can do this.
It's only s** it's only progress
Shut my eyes - plunge
the world the stranger.
This threshold cracks.The rosy
alcove- this threshold cracks
Roaming I'll be wearing a broken
coat a broken look. It's not the
same as when he calls.
I don't recall the sound of
my name, it sounds like his
instead. I'm still afraid of the
dark. Afraid to ask.
Help me with this s***e I'm
renting. Stand in now our
p***** in shower
this will all come out in the
wash. my survival
not my child
This will all come out in the wash.
If I'm changed If I've borrowed
What a better friend am I.
No one ever misses that.
Slowly I can do this
This phantom had the sense to smell it.
So if you want to play God then play God but
not from around the source of my guilt for
my hands soak in it first.
In bed, where I can be anything. I stained my
clothes and lost more than I thought I
could win.
It's only s** it's only progress
Shut my eyes - plunge
the world the stranger.
This threshold cracks.The rosy
alcove- this threshold cracks
Roaming I'll be wearing a broken
coat a broken look. It's not the
same as when he calls.
I don't recall the sound of
my name, it sounds like his
instead. I'm still afraid of the
dark. Afraid to ask.
Help me with this s***e I'm
renting. Stand in now our
p***** in shower
this will all come out in the
wash. my survival
not my child
This will all come out in the wash.
If I'm changed If I've borrowed
What a better friend am I.
No one ever misses that.
Slowly I can do this
This phantom had the sense to smell it.
So if you want to play God then play God but
not from around the source of my guilt for
my hands soak in it first.
In bed, where I can be anything. I stained my
clothes and lost more than I thought I
could win.