
Right Down to the Bone Lyrics

All alone
I feel like a sinner sitting waiting while another cell dies
wait to see
D.I.G sitting somewhere on the other side yeah yeah
Yu get under my skin Right down to the bone
Take me down
There's nuthin like a paradise here everybody got it wrong
I'm the one
Who's gonna take a bullet in the back of the head when I'm done
All alone
While another untalented f*** takes a seat on the throne
D.I.G shaken the tree to keep me sleeping with the enemy yeah yeah yeah
Right down to the bone x4
Whats it take no mistake feelin like a sinner
Shoulda been a winner everybody yeah yeah yeah yeah
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Down to the Bone (2009)
Sorry Let Me Out One in a Million No One Does It Better Than Me Luv Me Right Down to the Bone Gasoline and Guns One Foot in the Grave Long Way From Home All Coming Down Spread the Electric Luv