
I Don't Love You Lyrics

The first time I met you
I didn't know who you are
It was not my intention
That it would come so far
But there was something
That got my attention and got me warm
The first time I met you
But I don't love you
I was only into your character
It's your personality that I'm interested in
But I don't love you
I was only into your character
If I've disappointed you then I'm so sorry
But I'm trough with you
I did'nt get your intention
When you asked me out
It was a nice invitation
From a friend that was all
Great conversation
'till I saw that you would fall
I did'nt get your intention
But I don't love you
I was only into your character
It's your personality that I'm interested in
But I don't love you
I was only into your character
If I've disappointed you then I'm so sorry
But I'm trough with you
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March 28 (2013)
Circle of Life Is It Right Green Thank You Without I Don't Love You Invisible Line Goodbye