Desire makes you worry
The heart contains the pain
The mind contains the cure
Will you reveal the mystery
If you find her next to you
Let's get an elevation
And become one creation
My pulse pumps life into you
But you are somewhere
Hitching a ride to nowhere
The light turns to darkness
Yet there's still light in the dark
There's never a short cut
To a destination worth reaching
Find the last teardrop and
Paint it back into my eyes searching
Let the fear lead you to me
I can lead you
'Cause the light does not belong to you
Life is a consequence of a wasted union
Marriage of Devil and God
We stand it between
Suffering for other's sins
The heart contains the pain
The mind contains the cure
Will you reveal the mystery
If you find her next to you
Let's get an elevation
And become one creation
My pulse pumps life into you
But you are somewhere
Hitching a ride to nowhere
The light turns to darkness
Yet there's still light in the dark
There's never a short cut
To a destination worth reaching
Find the last teardrop and
Paint it back into my eyes searching
Let the fear lead you to me
I can lead you
'Cause the light does not belong to you
Life is a consequence of a wasted union
Marriage of Devil and God
We stand it between
Suffering for other's sins