Edenian Lyrics
Rise of the Nephilim
And the Sea Shall Bring Up Its' Dead
Sign of Retaliation
The Departed
Beside the Dying Fire
The Evenstar (Arwen's Tale)
I Desolate
A Farewell Rose
Nearer My Love to Thee
Song of the Furies
Rise of the Nephilim
Winter Shades
Decadent Blossoms (intro)
Thy Heavens Wept in Mourn
Winter Shades
The Field Where I Died
When I Gave Her My Eden
Embittered Silence
Beauty Entwined
Fall the Dusk
Burning Horizon
Beneath an Abstract Sun (outro)
A Farewell Rose
And the Sea Shall Bring Up Its' Dead
Beauty Entwined
Beside the Dying Fire
Burning Horizon
Embittered Silence
Fall the Dusk
I Desolate
Nearer My Love to Thee
Rise of the Nephilim
Sign of Retaliation
Song of the Furies
The Departed
The Evenstar (Arwen's Tale)
The Field Where I Died
Thy Heavens Wept in Mourn
When I Gave Her My Eden
Winter Shades