
Observing the Earth Lyrics

What would you like to hear?
-We are observing your earth
-Let's hear it!
We are observing your earth

Let's hear it!

-What would you like to hear?
-We are observing your earth
We'd like to make a contact with you
-Let's hear it!
What would you like to hear?

We'd like to make a contact with-with-with-with-with-with you

Let's hear it!

We are observing your earth
Let's hear it!

-What would you like to hear?

Let's hear it!

We are observing your earth
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Battle for Your Mind (1995)
Observing the Earth Battle for Your Mind What Would You Like to Hear Again? Brrr I Am the Creator (remix) Only If I Had One More It's On Seven Days The Future Trancore Boom Observing the Earth (remix)