
The Fourth Night of My Drinking Lyrics

On the first night of my drinking I was looking for my keys
I was half blind and stinking and b***** at the knees
I had a built-in fever and bright red cheeks
My checks and balances up s*** creek
It was all in fun, I didn't hurt no one until I crawled back for more
Then there was damage done but I made it home and woke up on the floor
On the second night of my drinking I was looking for my car
And as the luck would have it I found it parked outside my favourite bar
I had a leather liver and lipstick streaks
I had a disposition of valleys and peaks
It was a lot of fun until I shot my gun and the neighbours called the law
They didn't take me in but they let it sink in that I was headed for a fall
On the third night of my drinking I was yelling at your house
I had a stick in my hand and was convinced that some man was in there hiding out
I had a foot on your door; you had me down on the floor
I woke up the next morning and my jaw was sore
Then I was back at the bar and I was wanting some more
Then I was back at the bar and I was wanting some more
Then I was back at the bar and I was wanting some more
Until they tried to cut me off
On the fourth night of my drinking I had to go it all alone
As my friends list was shrinking and I was sinking like a stone
I had a steely eye and a mouth full of grit
My disposition had gone full tilt
There was a taste in my mouth, I wasn't liking it

Guess it will be through with me before I'm through with it
Guess it will be through with me before I'm through with it
Guess it will be through with me before I'm through with it
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