
The Confession / Arkham Overture Lyrics

ELWOOD In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, bless me, Father for I have- FATHER IWANICKI Yes, my son. Go on. When was your last confession? ELWOOD Five weeks, Father. Thirty-seven days ago. That's eight hundred ninety one hours. My last confession was fifty-three thousand, four hundred sixty minutes ago. More or less. FATHER IWANICKI Alright. What do- ELWOOD Three million, two hundred seven thousand, six hundred seconds... FATHER IWANICKI It's alright, begin your confession. ELWOOD Father, I've seen evil. Evil incarnate. FATHER IWANICKI Men do terrible things my son. ELWOOD No, no, I'm not talking about men. I mean evil. Evil beyond you, me, mankind. Real evil. Supernatural evil. Malevolent and eternal. You understand what I mean? FATHER IWANICKI I do. "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you." ELWOOD No, I don't think so. Not this time, Father. FATHER IWANICKI This evil, tell me, where was it? ELWOOD Here. Right here, Father. All around us. FATHER IWANICKI Here? ELWOOD Here. In Arkham.
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