
I'm Overdriven Lyrics

Now we go
with the steel in my corpse
i'm not a clone
i got body and soul
and you certainly know
you are not my god
are you ready for
the last dance to the core
and i crave
but i don't know
what's going on
i'm not a drone
body and soul
i'm asking for my flesh
and i failed
to hack the system
f*** the software
find the matrix
set the core
paste my settings
and get me world
i'm overdriven
neurocancer in my veins
just chaos in my brain
oh oh oh oh oh
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Neuromance (2005)
10.000 Watts Infection 13 Platinum Girl Make a Star Vyperpunk Generation Plastic Rebel Riot Theta t**anium Self Destructive Corp. Plug'n'Die Defcon 5 Trance-Former C-Beams I'm Overdriven Kiss Right Here in My Arms 10.000 Watts (Funker Vogt remix) Vyperpunk (Deathstars remix) Make a Star Self Destructive Corp. (Midnight Mass remix by Mortiis) 10.000 Watts (Punto Omega remix) Generation Plastic (Carmilla remix) Make a Star (Maximegaton remix by High Level Static) 10.000 Watts (Flatline remix by Needleye) Make a Star (Esoterica remix) Plug'n'Die (Underwater Pilots remix) Make a Star (Panzer edit by Sundealers) Platinum Girl (Endraum remix) Infection 13 (DJMO feat. Stephanie Luzie remix) Generation Plastic (Decaydence remix by Pilori) Vyperpunk