
Defcon 5 Lyrics

I got the grade and here I am at the training camp
with my master in robotics, proud I am
I just need to know when I have to start my war
and I want to fight till the rust corrodes
I got no no no f****** commander
no no I'm ready for the battle
no no just give me the power
shut up shut up m***********

Regenerate reassemblate
connect the wires and loose control
you are just controlled by the system
whoo whoo yeah yeah
I don't understand why I cannot control my hate
and this hate just helps me to destroy my faith
there's no war I really meant to start, I know
just a wireless flesh with no remote control

You are nothing more than a loser
stop this hate-wired battle
switch down your f*****' power
stop it stop it m***********
Regenerate re-a**emblate
connect the wires and loose control
you are just controlled by the system
whoo whoo yeah yeah

You got a role, you got a round,
you got a f****** way to see what's behind
you had to serve, you're just dead
you are more or less a lifeless mech
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Neuromance (2005)
10.000 Watts Infection 13 Platinum Girl Make a Star Vyperpunk Generation Plastic Rebel Riot Theta t**anium Self Destructive Corp. Plug'n'Die Defcon 5 Trance-Former C-Beams I'm Overdriven Kiss Right Here in My Arms 10.000 Watts (Funker Vogt remix) Vyperpunk (Deathstars remix) Make a Star Self Destructive Corp. (Midnight Mass remix by Mortiis) 10.000 Watts (Punto Omega remix) Generation Plastic (Carmilla remix) Make a Star (Maximegaton remix by High Level Static) 10.000 Watts (Flatline remix by Needleye) Make a Star (Esoterica remix) Plug'n'Die (Underwater Pilots remix) Make a Star (Panzer edit by Sundealers) Platinum Girl (Endraum remix) Infection 13 (DJMO feat. Stephanie Luzie remix) Generation Plastic (Decaydence remix by Pilori) Vyperpunk