
This Time Around Lyrics

I saw your children in the sunset
And the sky was full of voices
Oh I remember and I forget
how we've tired from our choices
I should have listened with my heart and not my head
But I chose to run instead
I know nothing hurries up the pain
I know nothing lightens up the rain
I know nothing heals without a trace
to everything I've found this time around
I couldn't know how much I'd love you
just to see you still the cries
of the angels you gave birth to
songs I long to recognize
when we were children we would dance
upon our worried toes
and if we'd hurry, we'd forget our woes

I know nothing hurries up the pain
I know nothing lightens up the rain
I know nothing stops you getting old
I know nothing warms you when you're cold like this
I know nothing could've
Kept me from this road to everything
I've found this time around
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Regarding the Soul (1995)
Time Before You Underneath My Skin Love Thing Angel What a Little Love Can Do To You From Me Hemingway's Shotgun Stay This Time Around The Light