
The Day the Birth Stood Still Lyrics

After three days I'm tired
of your obfuscated colostomy.
Half of your friends want to be diapered
and the other half really ought to be.
Still, the thought that I might lose you
has my heart a-stutterin' somewhat
and you know me baby
I got a heart the size of a stomach.
As I am severed in a semblance
of an abscess removal
the guard dogs hemorrhage
in tacit approval.
And so you've sucked another
paper doll Golgotha hollow
but that which you cut from your brother
your father had to swallow.
No fluer de lys to fade and
no scars on skin adorning
and no one mourns the maiden
who made your morning.
So I sing a song of sour milk
on an exstacy-addled x-mas eve
and a sock burns in a toilet
to honor the infant amputee.
"The Day the Birth Stood Still...
The Day the Birth Stood Still..."

On the day of his birth,
a nurse gave him a bath
while nervously singing this song.
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I Have Forgotten How to Love You (1996)
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