
Slowpoke Lyrics

This here is the story of Slowpoke, the slowest d*** in the west

Slowpoke met a woman, tried to f*** her on a train
He took so long she fell asleep, woke up, then slept again
Finally got his d*** out, tried to f*** her on a plane
It took off, flew round, landed, then just took right off again...
Slowpoke stick yer d*** in, quit beating round the bush
All you need's a glob of spit, a hole, and one good push...
If you don't make a booty call, our line will soon expire
C'mon Mister Slowpoke, go make your d*** perspire...

Slowpoke got all wasted, had to go to Outer s***e
Met a mutant Ewok with a f***** for a face
He said "Hey Slowpoke, gonna make your d*** throw up..."
Slowpoke took so g****** long the shuttle just blew up
Slowpoke stick yer d*** in and give that thing a push
All you need's a d**** and the guy who sings for Bush...
Maybe cuz' yer d***'s so big, you just can't find the end
Slowpoke with your big fat d*** you'll be my big fat friend

Slowpoke is a constellation whose light will never die
Pinned in eternal blackness kinda like a b***erfly...
And next to him's a naked lady made of shining stars...
Just a d***-length outta reach, but that's one lick too far
Slowpoke got r*****ed and I swear the p**** parted
And I think my doggy farted... ohhh
If you don't make a booty call our line will soon expire
Maybe cuz' yer d***'s so big you should go f*** a tire
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