
Æinsoph: Flashforward to Obscurity Lyrics

With the proud shining chant of a flesh wide-open wound
(Un)Holy Spirit burns upon our thoughts
In exultation, memories fade as we rejoice
Tumbledown walls an' a pinnacle doomed
Bloodstained stones exhaling breaths of gloom
Oppression casted a shadows on a mystic grandeur
Fading away as we rejoice!
...as we rejoice!

In praise of glory
Awareness lies in a liquid vacuum
This gift of wonder
This maze of agonizing light
In praise of hazes
Stillness lies in a shadowed fire
A flame of pity
A flame of rapture and of pain!

Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum

And pride is a twilight sun burnin' inside,
It leads every manor to its former splendour...
Come down! There in the heart of your inner dark wood
Come and be! The solemn incarnation of primeval souls
Come down! A new world built by your command
There, were wisdom lies well caged

In praise of glory
Awareness lies in a liquid vacuum
Three unknown faces arose
Called by omnipotence!
And the seared witches' souls meet an ancient moan
And a burial ground spells magic from beyond
And awareness lies in liquid vacuum
In this vale, in this maze!

Crooked is the way that leads to heavens
A sinister lane paved with thousands corpses!
...a sinister lane paved with thousands corpses...

Hear the harsh mocking chant of a grim-faced god
When oblivion shift its forms to sand
To matter, to grains again, cycling!
Where wisdom lies well caged to be subjugated

Darkness, you lead me were lied...
Angels, oh tell me heavens' secrets
Of love, blind death...
Infliction, it nails me unknown...
Darkness, you lead me were lied...
Angels, oh tell me heavens' secrets
Of love, blind death...
Infliction, it nails me unknown faces

Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
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Grand Guignol - Book I (2012)
Descent/Ascent (II Movement) Æinsoph: Flashforward to Obscurity Doom: And Then Death Scythed Spiritism: The Transmigration Passage Bereavement: A Multitude In Martyrized Flesh Grief: Along Our Divine Pathway Bleakness: Of Secrecy, Haste and Shattered Crystals Pest: Fierce Massive Slaying Grandeur Decrepitude: One Last Laugh Beside Your Agonies Dawn: Black Sun Rises