
Enormous p**** Lyrics

Whenever life gets you down
Keeps you wearing a frown
And the gravy train has left you behind
And when you're all out of hope
Down at the end of your rope
And nobody's there to throw you a line
If you ever get so low that you don't know which way to go
Come on and take a walk in my shoes
Never worry bout a thing
Got the world on a string
'Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues (all of his blues)

I take a look at my enormous p****
And my troubles start a-meltin' away
I take a look at my enormous p****
And the happy times are coming to stay

I gotta sing and-a dance when I glance in my pants
And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis
And everything is goin' my way

(ad lib solo)


(end ad lib solo)
I take a look at my enormous p****
And my troubles start a-meltin' away
I take a look at my enormous p****
And the happy times are coming to stay

Yeah, I got great big amounts in the place where it counts
And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
I take a look at my enormous p****
And everything is goin' my way (my trouser monster)
Everything is goin' my way (my meat is murder)
Everything is goin' my way (size doesn't matter)
Everything is goin' my waaaaaay
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Radiogram (2001)
Announcer Guy Bob's Golf Joke Arnold as Jesus The Barbershop Quartet Convention Sex & the Country The Sing Like Stevie Nicks Kit The Piercing Call Klitz Beer Sex & the Suburbs Elevator Talk #1 Bumper Sticker Wisdom Bumper Stickers for Other People The Larry King Thing Elevator Talk #2 I Like Summer Celebrity Marijuana Vatican Radio Gonads The Shut Up Shocker Selling Kittens Pepe le Scrotum Just for Morons Temptation Trailer The Wedding Mr. Obvious & the Costume Halloween Costumes We Are Smoking Boob Camp Enormous p**** Fart Museum The Magic Show The J-Lo Booster Seat I Wanna Be Your Bra Safe Sex Mr. Obvious & the Wife Problem Scrotums The Shoehorn Carnival Marriage, Orgasm, Etc. Chances Away Chick's Prom Tips Mister Oedipus Other Cultures The Guiding Shiite #2 The Shower Cap Sex for Dummies A Comedian on Vacation Shut Up Big Head Johnny Big Asses