
Over and Above Lyrics

One fine night I left my sould
to journey on the wind
Far beyond the stars I watched
to see where it would go
In the twilight realms of s***e
Spirits known but with no face
Eyes to see.
no hands to place around the ether
try and graps the meaning
why and wherefore of this world

Rested for a while to see
which way the wind would blow
Found ourselves, my soul and I,
upon an unknown moon
Barren rocks and ashes strewn
Like the ahes of mind
Soaring off once more to see
if we could find there
looking for somewhere
something that would bring us peace
Watch the dawn of a distant sun
tell us now that our night has gone
Senses numbed by the blinding light
Countless stars vanish into night
Far away on a distant star
Midnight chimes to sleeping world
Far away on a distant star
Life begins in a thousand years
Freed we watched the universe
extend thoughout an age
Dared not think, if this is freedom,
build yourself a cage
Freedom only of mind
There exists no other kind
Fettered in your flesh you find escape
is pointless
prison bars meaningless
when you find your can fly
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Phantasmagoria (1972)