
Die, Flip or Go to India Lyrics

i saw a light dreaming over the sea
with such light playing on its beauty
i remembered the four trees
lying at rest, sleeping winter
the shade on your face
dappling the deep fires of your eyes
whilst the ship¹s sails filled in the beams
breathing down on it: far light breathing
down and breaking
i remember you
i remember you
hiding in the marian chapel
blue sinking into blues:
beauty sinking into beauties
a cloud interpenetrating another o
where were you last
in my mind?
where upon the hills and valleys
were you hiding
as the sun wheeled shut over the horizon
shunting the last day more burnt than
the rest
and life:
inextinguishable in you and your love
when i crossed that sea is not known
when i crossed that sea is not known
when i crosssed that ssea is not known
when i crossssed that sssea is not know
whe n i crossde that seeaa is notkn own
when ik crosseddd tha seeeaa issn otkn
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