
We Believe Lyrics

Please God please Jesus

It's time please leave us
Please God release us

It's time to unleash us

They believe but we question

Are they naive are we predestined

Demonseed to teach the lesson

Of destiny before conception
Do we believe

It's my religion

Do we believe

It's my decision
Please God please Jesus

Save your prayers please don't deceive us

It's my life it's my religion

It's my right to my decision

There's got to be a better way

You lied to us but still we pray
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Contaminant PCB (1992)
We Believe Ingest Who Are You Scratch Fight! Aggress Turn of the Screw (PCB edit) Ingest (Infectious remix) We Believe (God mix) Who Are You (Intestant mix) Scratch (Twitch remix) Aggress (Suicide mix) Contagion Seven