
When I Was Bed Lyrics

Oooh, when I was bed
Before she spread lilacs on the sheets

(Oooh, cuando yo era cama
Antes de propagación lilas en las hojas)
Perfumed his hair with white powders
Removed the bitter taste left on his cheek
Perfumed his hair with white powders
Removed the bitter taste left on his cheek

(Perfumada con su pelo blanco en polvo
Eliminado el sabor amargo dejado por su mejilla
Perfumada con su pelo blanco en polvo
Eliminado el sabor amargo dejado por su mejilla)

Oooh, I was bed
Before she spread lilacs on the sheets
(Oooh, yo era la cama
Antes de propagación lilas en las hojas)

The antiquity of that one moment
How filthy his shoes had been
And how soon we forget the smell of survival
Blanket it with roses and sick tears

(La antigüedad de un momento que
¿Cómo sucios sus zapatos se habían
¿Y cómo olvidar p***to el olor de la supervivencia
Cobija con rosas y lágrimas enfermos)
Oooh, I was bed
Before she spread lilacs on the sheets

Oooh, yo era la cama
Antes de propagación lilas en las hojas

Oooh, when I was bed
When I was bed.

Oooh, cuando yo era cama
Cuando yo era cama.
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