
Father's Day Lyrics

He'll find his way, but you know what they say, he's gettin'on
Can't stay past noon, he'll check out soon, he won't last long
He moves slow, but he don't care, He says "time moves slow, but it gets you there".
"There" is what we'll call it when we won't recall just what we're headed for.
The days don't fade, they just come crashing down.
It's the thoughts that fade, and they don't make a sound.
It's the lonesome, not the quite, that leads us to deny it 'til we're down.
Hey, 'fore you go, how 'bout you lemme know what's going on
Can't we just see what's become of me before you're gone
Not lost no more, I'm still not found
Still afraid I found a way to let you down
Still wonderin' what I'm missin' always listenin', always hangin' round
Small time left to make that small talk right
It takes so long to say more that goodnight
Those last lines are the toughest, last one out will please shut out the light.
Well it's not ok, no matter what you say, but thanks a lot
I'll take it for today, it'll always be that way, it's what we got
Can't fix it now, maybe it was never broken
And if it was, the fixes would be nothin' but the tokens
Of what we thought for years, the silent fears, never ever spoken.
But I took all you gave or ever wanted to
Ain't I done good? I needed that from you
And all I've got to say is, by the way, you done good too.
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Leave the Light On (2006)
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