Charles Bronson Lyrics

Youth Attack!
  1. Marriage Can Suck It
  2. Youth Attack!
  3. The Painful Yet Unavoidable Deathstar Comparison
  4. xDumbfucksx
  5. Too Much of a Good Thing
  6. Standing in Front of Bulldog Records
  7. Stock Footage
  8. Pre(im)mature Retirement P.L.A.N.
  9. The Only Time I Think About Romance Is When I Wonder Why I Don't Think About It...
  10. Deaf and Dumb
  11. Red and Green Make Yellow
  12. Let's Start Another War So I Can Sing About Stopping It
  13. I Just Can't Avoid the Void in Avoid
  14. Was Toid on the Celluloid
  15. Shrinkage
  16. Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind
  17. IQ 32
  18. Punch Drunk
  19. The Tears of a Clone