
Lobotomy Lyrics

You stupid sheep
Open your eyes
He's not a lamb
But a wolf in disguise
He'll lead you all
To the edge of the hill
He will say "jump"
And I know you all will
You follow blindly
'Til the end of the line
You look around
And there's nothing but swine
You trust his lies
'Cause they're easy to hear
You gave all your faith
Now your faith disappeared
Frontal Lobotomy

Invent your god
Put your faith in the sky
But you're still worried
If you're trusting a lie
You pray so hard
And you claim he talks back
But I hear voices too
After I smoke some crack
Hypocrisy, the way of the man
Away from the truth
Is the way that you ran
The holy priest
Engaging in sodomy
To find truth have a
Frontal lobotomy
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