
Put on Your Nightcap Lyrics

War has begun
See them hide see them run
War has begun
See the graves of foreign sons
Close to the edge of the world
Close to the edge of the world

Soldier of death
Never fight never rest
Soldier of death
Fight in here on in the West

Close to the edge of the world
Close to the edge of the world

Creatures of God
You have never understood
Creatures of God
You have never taken they look (???)

Close to the edge of the world
Close to the edge of the world

Who can decide
When to live when to die
Who can decide
When is love when is fight
Close to the edge of the world
Close to the edge of the world

Put on your nightcap
Let's go to bed

Fill out your own room
And don't get mad

Just behind the endless field
Lies a land called "lie"
Always green and always mild
There you can be you own guy

Sleep and close your eyes again
Dreams come up your mind
Leave the d***ed reality
In ways you are always signed
Dream encovers all the Earth
Love lies in the ground
Time has vanished nothing's worth
A Glory-Land Nowhere-Land

I'm living in a requiem of flaming history
I never got a peaceful start behind this ??crevery??
I never got to rise my head and don't feel agony

Just behind the endless field
Lies a land called "lie"
Always green and always nine
There you can be you own guy

Sleep and close your eyes again
Dreams come up your mind
Leave the d***ed reality
In ways you are always signed

[Sorry if something's wrong or missing, but you can't find Carol of Harvest lyrics anywhere, so this was done by ear... and English's not my first language. I'm guessing it's still better than nothing, anyway.]
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Carol of Harvest (1978)
Put on Your Nightcap You and Me Somewhere at the End of Our Rainbow Treary Eyes Try a Little Bit