
Real Swashbucklers (Throw Your Hooks in the Air) Lyrics

all the real swashbucklers throw yer hooks in the air
and wave em all around like ya just dont care
with sword and gun fire we get what we require,
but tonight my mateys get down with the ladies
all the real swashbucklers throw yer hooks in the air
and wave em all around like ya just dont care
we bounce up and down like the turn of the tide,
if ya wanna have a party baby let us inside.
Sea Dawg:
back the hell up when we sail into the club
get yer hand too close and you'll be pullin back a stub
its a partyin night alright its time to get down
such a sight to see when the crew hits the town
on the high seas there's hardly ever time to chill
empty the coffers then we raid and refill
hit a merchant at sea then a port in brazil
mountains are molehills when you got this kinda skill
i'm a maniac set to attack
ive got a knack for dishing out and taking flak
give me some rum, wine, or a bottle of jack
and we'll see who's at the bottom of the sea in a sack
all the bottles broken we be leavin this city smokin
we aint finished this soon we plunder from midnight to noon
til we've stolen each and every little single dubloon
all the while singin this tune

i bet yer wonderin why my hooks all covered in jewels
because you scurvy fools, i dont follow the rules
ill take yer rubies, im no nooby, use yer head as booey
ill make yer health fail
cause dead men tell no tales
never fales that our treasure's always breakin the scales
we're so ruthless from the start we cant be kept in the jails
my eye patch is made of gold, with gems in it's folds
me hook has got them too, i can count quite a few
of the treasures and the riches that i s*****ed from me crew
so lets get to the point, im the head of this joint
its the HMS rickets selling out all yer tickets
thats just how we kick it with all these emeralds and ingots
we come in droppin dimes
just like old times
i could kill ya with me wit, or my razor sharp rhymes
my hat is custom fit from the port of st kitts, we got the scurvy crew style that ya hate to admit.
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