On a cru bon de désacraliser tout ce qui pouvait l'être, de permettre à tout un chacun de s'affranchir. Désillusionnés avant l'heure, jouisseurs à la petite semaine; autant de sabordeurs s'ignorant, dédaigneux à l'égard de nos regrets amers. Et que règne le nivellement par le bas, là où les plus bruyants se font les plus creux; gargarisés de leurs propres logorrhées, sans autre désir que d'exister pour exister. L'indécence en étendard d'une génération bien trop occupée à constamment rechercher l'approbation des rats pour s'apercevoir qu'elle a les deux pieds enlisés dans leur merde.
"We thought it was right to desecrate everything that could be, to allow everyone to be free. Disillusioned early, small- time revelers, so many ignoring scuttlers, disdainful of our bitter regrets. And reigns dumbing down, where the loudest are the hollowest; reveling in their own logorrhea, no other desire than to exist to exist. Indecency as standards of a generation, too busy to constantly seeking for the approval of the rats to realise that it has both feet stuck in their s***."
"We thought it was right to desecrate everything that could be, to allow everyone to be free. Disillusioned early, small- time revelers, so many ignoring scuttlers, disdainful of our bitter regrets. And reigns dumbing down, where the loudest are the hollowest; reveling in their own logorrhea, no other desire than to exist to exist. Indecency as standards of a generation, too busy to constantly seeking for the approval of the rats to realise that it has both feet stuck in their s***."