Il y a dû avoir méprise, on avait jamais causé de combat rapproché. Et rien de pire que de meurtrir la chair en voulant simplement l'effleurer. Capitulation, résignation, appelle-ça comme tu veux. Arrachez-moi ça et balancez tout aux porcs, et qu'on en parle plus.
"There must have been a misunderstanding, we have never talked about close combat. And there's nothing worse than bruising flesh when just wanting to touch it. Capitulation, resignation, call it what you like. Tear it up and throw it all to the pigs, and let's talk about it no more."
"There must have been a misunderstanding, we have never talked about close combat. And there's nothing worse than bruising flesh when just wanting to touch it. Capitulation, resignation, call it what you like. Tear it up and throw it all to the pigs, and let's talk about it no more."