
Miss U Lyrics

The sun's gone under
Will come over again in a day
The night's no goner
Seems always it is here to stay
I wish you were here to guess what it is I think
But you're not and that's why this song to this beat sync
You were my fire
My simmered hiss and my burn
Uninclined now, redembers let it to ashturn
Light exclusive, I seek a little light in me
Single status, like here before the big bang
I've been abated the sweet nemesis of my think pangs
I know better what would the code for shure crack:
Heart of my open
All you need to do is come back to me ...
I sit and miss you all day
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TNTLC (2003)
Room Positive Come Open Can't Noel Home TNTLC (There Is Nothing That Love Can't Overcome) Star Miss U Play Hold