
Hold Lyrics

When it's become a little more than I can bear all of this hardness,
The cold front and the thick skin can I come to you?
Would you hold me then?
And when the sting of the bygones become a thing of the present again and last nights darkness cast its cloak over today
Can I come to you would you hold me then?
And I know it's hard because I have seen how it's greyed your hair and how it's dulled your eyes and how it's let yourself come to me
So let me hold you then
All that I've been through and all that I've come to are one again
I forgot what I've got to forgive to be your friend again
I've come out of the fire, you've come in from the cold left with nothing than this desire to held, and to hold again
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TNTLC (2003)
Room Positive Come Open Can't Noel Home TNTLC (There Is Nothing That Love Can't Overcome) Star Miss U Play Hold