They say, "What do you know? You're only twenty-some years old," and "You live irresponsibly, wrapped up in your immaturity." "Just wait until you grow up and learn the inner workings of the real world, kid." Yeah, well I think I'm old enough to know that you don't get anywhere by being over-morose, and I think I have enough common-sense to ignore repeated lectures from the despondent. If the sky comes falling and stability seems to be failing, I'll just roll my eyes, shrug my shoulders, then go about my day.
You say, "Things won't always be that way" and that "nothing gold can stay," but if such a defeatist display of dismay is a mainstay, I'm gonna have to remain a "castaway" in lieu of wasting away. When the sky comes falling and stability seems to be failing, I just roll my eyes, shrug my shoulders and remember that this is routine s*** to me. I prefer immaturity since maturity is apparently synonymous with living in captivity.
You say, "Things won't always be that way" and that "nothing gold can stay," but if such a defeatist display of dismay is a mainstay, I'm gonna have to remain a "castaway" in lieu of wasting away. When the sky comes falling and stability seems to be failing, I just roll my eyes, shrug my shoulders and remember that this is routine s*** to me. I prefer immaturity since maturity is apparently synonymous with living in captivity.