
Quickly and Quietly Lyrics

Quickly and quietly they walked,
They passed all the girls in the parking lot.
And on their way called them names
Never to be friends.
It's a sure-fire shame.
My best friend, he told me so,
he had a turtle and he let it go.
We all hiked up to the sidewalk bridge,
to see what all the fuss was about.

And if it mattered to anyone,
soft ? in the setting sun
A deer had died and shed it's blood.
a grass snake slipping through the mud.
My jeans got dirty and i got them wet.
But I knew what I would say.
And that night, when I got home,
My mom was talking on the telephone.
Heard the things that we had done.
All about her terrible son.
Quickly and quietly they walked,
They passed all the girls in the parking lot.
And on their way to called them names
Never to be friends.
It's a sure-fire shame.
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